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The value of electronic activation in fire suppression systems – new research findings

In order to lower the number of fire-related fatalities and injuries, a larger effort is comparing the effectiveness of electronically controlled nozzle watermist suppression systems to conventional sprinkler systems.

Reporting on two confined experiments that replicated circumstances that would allow the researchers to report on the hazards that are not currently covered by current standard test techniques was part of the testing for the study.

One of the scenarios, for instance, tested the suppression systems’ capacity to put out a slow-burning refrigerator fire that produces a lot of harmful smoke but little heat. Since most house fires don’t extend past the room where they start, this kind of fire is more typical of a regular home fire.

Electronic fire suppression systems vs traditional sprinklers

Traditional sprinklers require heat to activate, but in this experiment, the study team was able to determine whether alternative methods and technology can provide dependable, early detection and appropriate intervention – supporting the BRE’s 2019 recommendations to decrease fire fatalities.

“Being overcome by gas or smoke remains one of the biggest killers in domestic fires.” 

“Electronic activation, as shown from this research, can significantly improve the time it takes for a fire suppression system to start to tackle a fire compared to existing sprinkler systems. The earlier operation, combined with activation at a much lower temperature than that required to burst the glass bulb of a sprinkler, helps reduce smoke and maintain survivable conditions.”

“The findings of the research provide fire engineers with the input parameters and assumptions necessary to represent these systems in performance-based assessments – ensuring the best fire suppression solution is chosen for the fire safety requirement they are making recommendations for.”

Yusuf Muhammad, co-founder at Plumis and co-author of the research

The research has been published in the Fire Safety Journal and is free to download until 1st June – view the full paper, here.  

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